A few words

I I live in Victoria on southern Vancouver Island.  This coastal area has a rich history of indigenous art.  The indigenous art form speaks of place.  It is an example of a common reference point all residents of this area share. 

The cultural expression of place. This might be in the materials used or how they are worked.  The motifs, the colour palette, the particular tools used, even the scale of the work can speak of place. With this vocabulary curiosity is offered a familiar starting point.  My goal is to cause a roving eye to hesitate.  A form that stands up in distance.  And as the viewer approaches different details open until that point where the whole is presented.  A bridge we share never having met.

The materials I am currently using are; local woods, red cedar, yellow cedar,and western maple, handmade paper, aluminium (mostly as a substrate), brass and stainless steel, pastels, ink and pigments in oil or glue.

Sooke Fine Art Show. 2015-21
Sydney Fine Arts Show 2015-19
Community Arts Council of Greater Victoria, The Atrium 2016-17.
Sculpture Splash 2016, Dogwood Award


email: asselstine.terry@gmail.com

web: terryasselstine.com
